April 2010 News


Pre-Passover Classes
A whole slew of preparatory Passover classes were hosted this year by JRCC Branches in their respective neighbourhoods. In addition to insightful classes highlighting the meaning and inner significance of Passover, several classes placed particular focus on the practical aspects of celebrating Passover. Rabbi Levi and Nechama Dina Jacobson in Thornhill ran two distinct hands on classes for men and women in Thornhill, while Rabbi Yisroel Karpilovsky and Rabbi Chaim Hldeshaim lead workshops at Rockford and Thornhill Woods. “You could tell a lot thought went into the classes,” reported one participant, “so that the concepts would not only be covered in an organized, comprehensive way, but also in an enjoyable way.” To stay up to date about the JRCC’s classes, visit www.jrcc.org.


Over 600 People Attend JRCC Passover Seders
Over 600 people attended Community Passover Seders organized by the Jewish Russian Community Centre in 8 locations throughout the Greater Toronto Area on March 29 and 30 – including two new locations at the JRCC S Richmond Hill and at Ridley Ave in North York. The Seders provided people with the opportunity to experience the age-old Seder tradition with up to date discussions and commentary in a warm and welcoming environment with family and friends. The insightful guidance and explanations of the presiding rabbis enriched the Seder with added meaning and depth, while the camaraderie and singing enhanced the jubilant holiday atmosphere.
Dozens more families were able to make traditional Seders at home - many for the first time - thanks to the assistance and instruction of JRCC staff and rabbis. Special Seders were also organized by volunteers for youth and seniors.


Post-Passover Challah Baking

A tradition of communal challah baking following Passover, known as Shissel Challah, was celebrated simultaneously in five locations last month. Though communal Challah baking sessions are organized throughout the year, and are a tremendous source communal blessing for those in need, the post-Passover challah baking is known to be especially auspicious for eliciting healing energy and sustenance. The JRCC S Richmond Hill, in only its second communal Challah baking event for the nascent community, drew over 20 women for the post-Passover event. For information about Challah baking and other events in you neighbourhood, visit www.jrcc.org or call 416.222.7105 x0.


Kids Book Club Registration

Please remember to register your child to participate in the new session of the JRCC Thornhill Kids Book Club. The reading and activity on Sunday mornings are lead by Nechama Dina Jacobson, and a re a great way to introduce your child to the joy of reading, discovery, and Jewish community involvement. See ad on page ?? for details, or call 905.760.9254.


Teen Scene Sushi Night

A group of young men and women from the neughbourhood gathered for the JRCC @ Rockford’s recent Teen Scene event, which focused on learning the art of making sushi – or is it a science? This was just one the fascinating discussions to be had, and the sushi night was only one of the highlight of the Teen Scene program, which gathers every week. Special thanks to Dima Bank for taking care of the sushi preparation. For information about upcoming events, visit www.jrccrockford.org or call 416.222.7105 x238.


Lunch & Learn @ Fisherville High

Imagine this: You’re at school all week, and suddenly this cool rabbi shows up with free pizza and some interesting food for thought along with it, plus an entertaining game to keep it lively. Well, for students at Fisherville High School, not only does this happen, but it happens every Tuesday in their own school during lunchtime. But only if they’re part of the Lunch & Learn Club. Find out more by sniffing out the pizza on Tuesdays, or calling 416.222.7105 x238 to get the lowdown.


Daycare Events

In celebration of Passover, students at the JRCC Preschool & Daycare visited the Model Matzah Bakery at 770 Chabad Gate, where they learned about the entire process of preparing and making hand-made shmurah matzah – from the harvest and grinding, to the kneading and baking.

In other recent activities, students dressed up and celebrated in Hawaiian style to mark International Day, and went on a field trip to the Mess for Fun ceramics and indoor playground centre.

For more information on the JRCC Preschool & Daycare for kids ages , call 416.736.0781 or visit www.jrccdaycare.org.