Scholarship Grant.pngBefore there were universities, there were yeshivas. There were people who sat around in yeshivas the whole year, discussing and studying and discussing some more. And then there were people who worked the farm or traveled afar to sell their merchandise, and then turned up at the yeshiva whenever they had a chance, to join in the study and discussion. Jews were always a literate society, and every Jew was expected to be involved somehow in the learning going on in the community.

Traditionally, most of the study in yeshiva was in pairs—two companions poring over a text together, debating its details to achieve clarity and full knowledge. A lecture is generally full of lively give-and-take between students and teacher. Traditional Jewish learning is all about asking good questions, as well as collaborating with others to come up with solutions.

That’s why a yeshiva, unlike a college library, is a rather noisy place. In many ways, the methodology of study in yeshiva is way ahead of that applied in most educational institutions.

Today, there are all sorts of yeshivas. Some specialize exclusively in Talmud. Others diversify, studying practical Jewish law, history, ethics, Kabbalah and chassidic thought, etc. There are yeshivas dedicated to young men and women who just want to take off a semester to enrich their Jewish souls, and then get back home and finish their degree.

Chabad has a number of such yeshivas, and that’s the general thrust in these places—to give students a strong background, skills to build upon and the inspiration they need for a lifetime—and then get them back on track into their careers. Only that now, the bright lights of their Jewish soul are shining.

The JRCC Jewish Discovery Scholarship offers financial assistance to help young men and women from the FSU find out more about and connect with their Jewish roots, with a choice of several educational institutions in Israel, New York and New Jersey.

To apply:

Fill out the Scholarship form online .

You can Click here  to print the application form.
Fill it out and fax it to 416.222.7812 
or deliver it to the JRCC office
5987 Bathurst St. Unit 3.

For information contact our office at at 416.222.7105 or [email protected].