
Bat Mitzva Club Registration

  • Please fill out the form below carefully. When you press submit, this form (secure form) will be sent to our administration office.

  • |Student Information

  • Pick a Date
  • |Parental Information

  • Father Information

  • Mother Information

  • |Payment Information

  • Tuition fees: $950. ($100 of it paid upon registration.)

  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • |Consent

  • I/We hereby register my child in JRCC Bat Mitzvah Club.

    Our club will be meeting Sundays throughout the year. See calendar for details.

    I/We give my child permission to participate in all club activities and trips.

    The student, as well as his parents or guardians, agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the club.

    Photos may be taken and used for future advertising.

    I/We understand that JRCC does not assume responsibility for any injury, and in case of emergency necessary medical attention may be secured by the JRCC.

    I/We confirm that all the details provided above are accurate, to the best of my knowledge, and if it becomes apparent that some of the provided information is inaccurate, it may be grounds to dismiss my child from the Bat Mitzvah Club

    I/We understand that due to COVID - 19, JRCC Bat Mitzvah Club, might be forced to run its programs online during the year and it is up to the discretion of the school to decide when the program is online or in person, according to the ministry guidelines and health care authorities. I/We understand that tuition will not reimburse to me/us, if I/we decide to pull out my child from JRCC Hebrew School at any time.

    I/We acknowledge that the risks related to COVID - 19 include, but are not limited to, serious personal injury, death, property damage, illness and disease arising from or related to COVID19. I further acknowledge that I am in the best position to assess the impact that COVID-19 may have on the student or on others with whom the Student may transmit.

    I/We hereby release and forever discharge the JRCC Bat Mitzvah Club from any and all liability for all loss, damage, expense, injury, death, property damage, illness or disease arising from or Covid 19.

  • Pick a Date
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