Dear Friends,
A recent medical study indicates that contrary to common wisdom, relaxation does not reduce stress. On the other hand, reshaping our day to day behavior to lead a more meaningful, valuable life heals the stress in our lives. In other words, if you want your spirits to soar, search for a frame of mind where values and spirituality are present in all the details of your life.
The JRCC Institute of Jewish Studies is intended to serve as an exciting learning adventure. Join us to find greater meaning and purpose in the world around us. Whether are looking for academic stimulation, Kabbalah, feminism, politics, Jewish Law or history, we have a custom-tailored course just for you.
Please feel free to contact us for further information about any of our courses. As always, we are eager to hear your comments and suggestions about how we can improve the Institute, and which new courses you would like to see on the curriculum in the future.
Join us this semester to discover answers to your questions, as well as questions to your answers.
Happy learning. Hope to see you.
Rabbi Levi Jacobson
Dean of English Classes
[email protected]