JRCC Hebrew School Overview

a hebrew school like no other...

IMAGINE a hebrew school where children don't want to miss a day.
IMAGINE children coming in with a smile and leaving as they hum a Jewish song.
IMAGINE a child who feels the warmth and spirit of Judaism.
IMAGINE your pride.

See The Results Your Child Needs

*Age 3-13 
*Hebrew language and Jewish studies
*Low student-teacher ratio 
*Remedial & enriched program
*Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program 
*Flexible Program: One or two days per week
*Sunday extra curricular program: art, chess, music & lunch
*Individualized study from beginners to advanced
*Shabbatons & special holiday programs
*Affiliated with the Board of Jewish Education


Our goals are to help each student …

…attain a strong sense of identity with our heritage and develop a love and pride in being Jewish.

…gain knowledge and understanding of the mitzvos, traditions and practices of Judaism and to study the morals, values and ethical behaviors of our Torah.

…master the skills or Hebrew reading and writing, thereby becoming familiar with the prayer services and laying the foundation for successful Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation.

…identify with the land of Israel as our own land and develop an interest in issues relating to Israel and its people.

…discover and explore the incredible history of the Jewish people and its relevance for all times, thereby developing an appreciation and excitement toward Jewish Holidays.

… to express opinions and ask questions about G‑d, Torah and religion in a non-judgmental setting and to have him/her understand the importance and relevance of Torah in today’s day and age.

…achieve a Jewish perspective on life and maintain a Jewish connection and involvement beyond the years in Hebrew school and ultimately convey this to future generations.