Toddlers - our toddler program is offered to children ages from 15 months to 30 months with ratio of 1 teacher to 5 children. We ensure to have constant supervision and personalized care for each child. In a warm environment children introduced to all developmental areas of learning and learn through play.  They learn numbers, letters, shapes and colors. Big number of activities are offered for the progress of fine motor skills, cognitive and auditive skills. We are offering feeding, changing and sleeping routine.  Outdoor play is also offered at our separate, closed playground for toddlers only. 

Preschool - our preschool is offered to children between 31 months and 4 years. Children play and work to learn the language, social skills, pre-math concepts, pre-reading concepts and ideas about the physical world. Through the active-learning process, children learn that they are capable, and that they are able to make decisions and solve problems about activities that are meaningful to them. A variety of group and individual activities are offered that are intellectual and engaging. Outdoor play is also offered at our separate, closed playground for preschoolers only.

JK/SK - our JK/SK program is offered to children between 4 and 6 years. The kindergarten program focuses on encouraging curiosity and building every development area for children like math and logical reasoning, scientific exploration, vocabulary development and outdoor skills. Children are engaged in independent work and activities in groups to build their social, language, math and literacy skills.