June 2012 News
Trip to the Rebbe
On June 23, to commemorate the third of Tammuz, the day of the Rebbe’s passing, tens of thousands of people from all walks of life and from around the world visited the Rebbe’s synagogue and Lubavitch World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, New York, and the Ohel, the Rebbe’s holy resting place in Queens. Several hundred people, perhaps more, made the journey from our community as part of a group trip organized by the JRCC.
Preparations began before departing and continued while on the way, as travelers watched videos of the Rebbe’s talks, studied his teachings, and mediate on the opportunity that lies ahead.
Once in New York, the group joined the throngs of people who visited the Ohel and 770, and spent some time exploring the Crown Heights neighborhood. Over lunch they heard words of inspiration and personal stories highlighting the living legacy of the Rebbe, the imminent future that the Rebbe envisioned for the Jewish people and the mission he entrusted us with to do everything we can to bring Moshiach. It was an introspective and uplifting journey that included prayers for those in need and empowered all the participants to rededicate themselves to Jewish life.
Bat Mitzvah Club Graduation
Participants of the Bat Mitzvah Clubs of JRCC @ Rockford and JRCC Thornhill Woods celebrated their graduation together in a joint ceremony attended by their families and friends. The girls spent the last year learning and discovering what becoming a Bat Mitzvah is all about, making friends, and developing a sense of pride in being a Jewish woman. For the graduation ceremony, each girl prepared a short speech, heard blessings from their teachers and community leaders, enjoyed a wonderful festive meal and atmosphere, and received special gifts. The evening culminated with a beautiful and touching candle lighting ceremony.
2012-2013 Hebrew School Registration Open
The JRCC Hebrew Schools provide a Jewish environment within the child’s own neighborhood, with his/her own friends, and is a convenient after-school activity for the parents. The JRCC Hebrew School currently operates at various times and days of the week in six locations in Thornhill, Thornhill Woods and North York.
The opportunity to learn what it means to be Jewish through engaging in Jewish history, Hebrew language, and becoming familiar with Jewish holidays and other observances, solidifies the Jewish identity in the child’s mind. The acclaimed Aleph Champ program creates an individualized program of study that enables each student to progress in his/her Hebrew Reading skills by graduating to different levels using various colored “belt” levels like in Karate. The program is focused on education through hands-on experience and fun, where Judaism comes to life with a variety of creative art projects, educational games and interactive seminars. The children become a conduit of Jewish information for their families, and a source of Jewish pride for their parents and grandparents.
To give your child the gift of Jewish education, and to give yourself the gift of Jewish naches, contact the JRCC Hebrew School at 416.222.7105 x225 or visit www.jrcc.org/hebrewschool. Registration is now open for September 2012, and a limited number of scholarships are available.
JRCC Daycare Summer Day Camp
The acclaimed JRCC Daycare, headed by the respected Montessori-certified supervisor Mrs. Anya Kupinsky, will be holding a Summer Day Camp. In addition to the diverse ECE learning program offered all year, the Summer Day Camp will also feature extensive field trips and outdoor summer activities. For more information, please call Anya at 416.736.0781 or email [email protected].
East Thornhill Community BBQ
The JRCC East Thornhill community gathered for a Sunday evening barbecue on June 17 at Gallanough Park. One of the highlights of the evening was preparation of a traditional Bucharian delicacy known as lamb plov (a.k.a. lamb pilaf). Special thanks to Arkady and Luba Aminov who delicately and elaborately prepared it and to Neric and Natasha Nisimov for providing the specialty utensils. The result was a truly unique culinary experience that was the hit of the barbecue. While the food was really great, it was the friendly atmosphere and the larger than expected crowd that provided the true warmth, as the burgeoning community continues to grow and introduce new activities and initiatives.
High Holiday Services
High Holiday tickets are now available at the JRCC office. Rosh Hashana (Sept 16-18) and Yom Kippur (Sept 25-26) services will be held at eight locations in the GTA. Services generally start at 9am each morning. Shofar on Rosh Hashana (Monday, Sept 17 and Tuesday, Sept 18) will be at around 12:30pm. Yizkor on Yom Kippur (Wednesday, Sept 26) will be at around 12:30pm. Some locations may offer alternative times as well. Please check the schedule of your preferred location.
All are welcome to join the services at any time, but seating is limited, so please reserve your seats as soon as possible by calling 416.222.7105, visiting www.jrcc.org/highholidays, or visiting the JRCC office (the office is open M-F 9am-6pm and Sunday 12-5pm).