In honor of Gimmul Tammuz, a city-wide evening of inspiration was held at Roy Thomson Hall. Organized by the Chabad centers of Ontario, including the JRCC, close to 2,000 people participated. The theme of the evening was “Israel: A United People. A Secure Land. A Holy Mission.” and it featured David M. Friedman, former US Ambassador to Israel, and a Chassidic classics concert by musician Shulem Lemmer. Among those in attendance were prominent rabbis, community leaders and political representatives. "Honoured to join Chabad, David M. Friedman, former United States Ambassador to Israel, and Shulem Lemmer to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the 3rd of Tammuz,” wrote MPP Laura Smith. “Proud to stand in solidarity with the community for an evening of unity and inspiration.”
Last month featured two significant dates on the Chabad calendar that were commemorated with special farbrengens (Chassidic gatherings) at the JRCC. The 28 of Sivan marks the day that the Rebbe arrived in the US after escaping the Nazi occupation of Paris. It is seen as the beginning of a new era of Jewish life and the Jewish mission to being Divine light to the world. The date of 12-13 Tammuz is known as the “Festival of Liberation” when the Rebbe Rayatz, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneerson was miraculously saved from his death sentence at the hands of his Communist persecutors. By Divine providence, the date he was liberated was also his birthday. The day was celebrated with a special farbrengen at the JRCC West Thornhill, complete with food, song and words of wisdom. Participants reflected on the inspiring story of the Rebbe Rayatz, who demonstrated both in his teachings and in his actions that with the right mindset one can overcome even the most daunting challenge.
In honor of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, the beginning of the new month of Tammuz, which. fell on Sunday July 7, all JRCC branches hosted uplifting morning services followed by a breakfast. The first of each month is considered a special day, a mini-festival of sorts, with additional halel and mussaf prayers similar to holidays. The breakfast following the services was sponsored by JRCC of Ontario in honor of our amazing growing community. The gatherings provided a extra source of light, togetherness and uplifting energy, which is especially important and needed during these challenging times.
The annual Trip to the Rebbe in honor of “Gimmel Tammuz” took place on July 8-10. Several hundred people from our community, including a few dozen on an organized JRCC trip, joined tens of thousands of people from all walks of life and from around the world visited the Rebbe’s synagogue and Lubavitch World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, New York, and the Ohel, the Rebbe’s holy resting place in Queens. The participants of the trip also spent some time exploring the Crown Heights neighborhood, enjoying a brunch meal together, and took in words of inspiration and personal stories highlighting the living legacy of the Rebbe – all while traveling on a new, state-of-the-art coach bus. The bus filled up well in advance, and there was even a waiting list of those who wanted to join. Next year, make sure to reserve early. Thank you to all the organizers and hosts for making it a rewarding a meaningful experience.
Community barbecues are a popular seasonal tradition for Torontonians looking to socialize while enjoying the summer weather. This year’s first JRCC Community BBQs to start the season took place at JRCC West Thorhill and East Thornhill. Throughout the summer, each JRCC branch will host its own event, providing a casual setting for community residents to meet, connect, interact and enjoy an informal family experience. These types of events are a great way to get to know one another, and a great opportunity and the perfect environment in which to feel a sense of community. The barbecues generally feature music, activities for kids, and, of course, cold beer and great marinated food on the grill. Some neighborhoods have local connoisseurs that have become legends on the grill, providing unique culinary treats that draw a crowd around the barbecue. For a list of upcoming barbecues visit