JUNE 2019

Community Marks Shloimele’s 10th Yahrzeit
On the 2nd of Sivan (June 4-5), the JRCC community joined with the Zaltzman family in commemorating the 10th yahrzeit of their beloved son and grandson, Meir Shlomo z”l, affectionately known as Shloimele. The JRCC East Thornhill hosted a special evening featuring guest speaker Rabbi Leizer Gurkow, a noted rabbi, scholar and author from London, Ontario. He spoke on the topic of “The Afterlife: What Really Happens On The Other Side?” – a fascinating talk that dispelled many of the myths and misconceptions surrounding Judaism’s view on the afterlife. Participants enjoyed an engaging lecture, followed by lively discussion and refreshments. People were also able to contribute a good deed to the Mitzvah Campaign in honor of Shloimele, showing their support to the family and adding light to his soul in heaven. You can join the campaign at any time at JrccEastThornhill.org/Shloimele.
Shavuot at the JRCC 
On Sunday, June 9, hundreds of children and adults attended the annual reading of the Ten Commandments on Shavuot at ten JRCC locations. The children were treated to the now famous Shavuot Ice Cream Party, featuring ice cream squishies, while celebrating the receiving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai over 3,000 years ago. The readings were followed by a light dairy brunch buffet, including delicious homemade cheesecakes. The event was held simultaneously at all JRCC branches, with some branches holding multiple readings and parties throughout the day to accommodate everyone’s schedules. On the previous evening, dozens of people joined the traditional all-night learning sessions and the reading of the Kabbalistic “Tikun Leil Shavuot” on the night of Shavuot, expressing our love for the Torah and anticipating receiving it anew as we do at this time each year.
Bat Mitzvah Celebrations
Participants of the Bat Mitzvah Clubs of JRCC West Thornhill, JRCC East Thornhill and JRCC S. Richmond Hill & Maple celebrated their graduation together with music and dancing in a joint ceremony attended by 120 of their families and friends. The girls spent the last year learning and discovering what becoming a Bat Mitzvah is all about, making friends, and developing a sense of pride in being a Jewish woman. For the graduation ceremony, each girl prepared a short speech, heard blessings from their teachers and community leaders, enjoyed a wonderful festive meal and atmosphere, and received special gifts. The evening culminated with a beautiful and touching candle lighting ceremony, during which mothers blessed their daughters. Registration is currently open for next year at jrcc.org/hebrewschool or [email protected].
Community BBQs
Several JRCC Branches host community barbecues during the month of June, providing a casual setting for community residents to meet, connect, interact and enjoy an informal family experience. These types of events are a great way to get to know one another, and a great opportunity and the perfect environment in which to feel a sense of community. The barbecues featured music, activities for kids, and, of course, cold beer and great marinated food on the grill. People came out to enjoy the sunshine and good times at the JRCC West Thornhill, the JRCC Richmond Hill & Maple, and the JRCC @ Rockford. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the setup, and for everyone who came to make it a beautiful day!