December 2013 News


Public Menorah Lighting

The JRCC’s annual Public Menorah Lighting, one of over 30 JRCC Chanukah events, was was held on the first night of Chanukah, Wednesday, November 27 at Mel Lastman Square. The event attracted over 300 community members, local residents, as well as a number of passers by who were curious about the festive event, live music, refreshments and the 16-foot tall menorah in front of City Hall. Several dignitaries and public figures were in attendance, including the mayor and other city counselors, who honored the celebration and the community with their presence and their warm words.


Chanukah Wonderland Carnival

The eleventh annual JRCC Chanukah Wonderland Carnival brought a dizzying array of family activities to the CHAT campus in Richmond Hill to the delight of about 1,000 participants. Parents and children enjoyed an afternoon full of different crafts and activities, including menorah making, donut cooking, an olive press demonstration, rides, and carnival games, while live music played throughout the day. Every hour featured a different show, including a Chanukah performance by students from the JRCC’s own Hebrew School.


Community Chanukah Parties

Each JRCC branch and program held its own unique Chanukah parties for its participants, complete with a menorah lighting and Chanukah refreshments like doughnuts and latkes.

The JRCC S Richmond Hill & Maple hosted a Bistro Chanukah evening that was billed as “An Adult’s Night Out,” giving parents in the community the opportunity to get together and meet new friends in a relaxed setting while enjoying a dairy buffet.

The JRCC West Thornhill held a Wine & Cheese evening for adults that allowed people to mingle and socialize in a warm and friendly environment at the new center on Centre Street. The event featured Chanukah-themed party activities, and several bottles of fine wine were won by participants who succeeded in solving holiday riddles.

The JRCC East Thornhill hosted a Chanukah Cafe evening, where participants were treated to a great atmosphere and inspiring Chanukah insights while enjoying a scrumptious dairy buffet, latkes and donuts and a Menorah lighting.

The JRCC@Rockford celebrated with a Melave Malka (post-Shabbat meal) billed as “Chanukah Ogonok,” modeled after a popular Russian event. The evening was a hit, with a packed audience and fun-filled program featuring mini trivia, hilarious performances, and table competitions.

The JRCC@Rockford Bat Mitzvah Club hosted a Chanukah party for current participants and post-Bat Mitzvah “graduates” — a great party filled with discussion, activity, menorah lighting, and lots of fun.

The JRCC@Rockford Kids Club hosted a party for kids and parents, featuring Chanukah crafts, an amazing Chanukah performance with a special guest storyteller and singer. The highlight of the evening was the lighting a 31/2 foot Lego menorah which the kids themselves helped to build. 

The JRCC East Thornhill Bat Mitzvah Club hosted a Chanukah Limo Hop for current participants and post-Bat Mitzvah “graduates”, with several entertaining stops featuring donuts, Chanukah games, latkes making, and a menorah lighting.

The JRCC East Thornhill Hebrew School celebrated Chanukah with a beautiful student presentation, making edible menorahs, game shows and a car racing game on a large screen.


A Survivor’s Story

The JRCC East Thornhill hosted a Holocaust Remembrance Evening where Mr. Alex Levin told his amazing life story. Much of Alex’s family was murdered when the Nazi

killing squads began the “Holocaust by bullets”, and Alex was only able to survive when he and a few others escaped into the forests. It was an interactive and inspiring event, which also featured a screening of the film Triumph of Hope, a meaningful evening that shared the message that with a little faith, anything is possible.