In light of the mandated isolation and closure of community spaces, the JRCC’s Institute of Jewish Studies has gone virtual. Rabbis have made efforts to continue regularly scheduled classes online via Zoom, including the daily Kolel programs at the JRCC Rockford and the JRCC East Thornhill. Some new learning opportunities have even been launched to accommodate increased interest and address specific scheduling needs and interests at this time. An updated schedule of classes with Zoom access information is available at jrcc.org/onlinetorah.
As in every year, the JRCC delivered handmade shmurah matzah for the Seder to each thousands of homes in the Jewish Russian community. These matzahs were sealed months ago, well before the outbreak, so was no fear of contamination inside the package. They are also sealed in plastic wrap, and volunteers took extra hygiene precautions in handling the packagings, ensuring all the families and individuals isolated at home for Passover were able to partake in the special mitzvah of matzah the traditional way.
For the first time since its founding over 30 years ago, the JRCC was unable to host community Passover Seders. Plans were in place to host Seders in twelve locations, attended by hundreds of people. Instead, the JRCC rabbis guided and assisted people with preparing to host their own Seders, with online classes, workshops and individual personal conversations. We look forward to Passover next year, together – and as it says at the end of the Passover Hagaddah: Next year in Jerusalem!
Rabbi Berel Lazar, the Chief Rabbi of Russia, is a favorite guest of the JRCC community, often visiting to speak and lead gatherings when his busy travel schedule brings him to Toronto or nearby. The plan for him to be here to lead a farbrengen gathering in honor of the Rebbe’s birthday just before Passover was thwarted due to the COVID-19 situation. So the JRCC arranged the next best thing: A virtual online farbrengen via Zoom, which was appreciated and enjoyed by around 100 participants. If you missed it you can find a recording on the JRCC’s Facebook page.
Each year from after Passover through the summer, the JRCC organizes the traditional Shabbat afternoon Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) study sessions. Men usually gather to study in the various JRCC branches toward evening, after the afternoon prayers, while women typically gather at homes of hosts in their neighborhood. Being that the situation is unpredictable, the classes will begin whenever it is possible and permissible to do so. Until then, everyone is encouraged to study on their own. The text of the Ethics of the Fathers can be found in the siddur (prayerbook) following the Shabbat afternoon prayers. Several volumes of books with a variety of commentaries, both classical and contemporary are available through online bookstores (including JRbooks.org), and material can also be printed before Shabbat from the JRCC website at jrcc.org/avot.