High Holiday Services
Coming soon! High Holidays are right around the corner and are approaching fast. Rosh Hashanah falls on Sept. 13-15, 2014, and Yom Kippur falls on Sept. 22-23, 2015. Services will be held at nine locations in the GTA. All are welcome to join the services at any time, but seating is limited, so please reserve your seats as soon as possible. Becoming a voluntary JRCC Member also entitles you to complimentary High Holiday seats, and helps support the important programs and services we provide for the community. To become a member or reserve your seats, call 416.222.7105, visit, or drop by the JRCC office (the office is open M-F 9am-6pm and Sunday 12-5pm).
You’ve Got (a lot of) Mail!
Your Exodus package is a little thicker than usual this month due to the mailing of the JRCC’s annual Calendar and Program Guide, which contains a wealth of information on Jewish holidays, as well as lectures, classes, special events, and community programs throughout the year. Also included is a handy magnet that lists the candle lighting times for Shabbat and Festivals throughout the year. We try to match the items you receive to your interests and preferences. To update your information, or let us know about a friend or family member who would appreciate receiving these items, please contact the JRCC office at 416-222-7105 or [email protected].
20 Av Farbrengen
The 20th of Av (August 4-5, 2015) marked the the yahrtzeit of the Rebbe's father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, a kabbalist and activist who devoted his life, and ultimately gave up his life, to preserving Judaism in the FSU. The day was celebrated with a farbrengen, a Chassidic gathering for a special occasion, at the JRCC West Thornhill. The gathering was led by Rabbi Levi Jacobson, director of the JRCC West Thornhill, making it even more auspicious since Rabbi Jacobson is named after the Rebbe’s father and his birthday falls on the 20th of Av.
JRCC Staff & Volunteer BBQ
On Sunday, August 9 the JRCC hosted a special family barbecue at the JRCC S. Richmond Hill and Maple for staff and volunteers who devote their time and energy to serving our community. Participants were treated to great food and words of encouragement from Rabbi Yoseph Y. Zatlzman, the JRCC’s founder and senior rabbi, and others, and also shared inspiring stories. “It important for everyone to know, both the staff and volunteers themeselves as well as the entire comminity,” explains Rabbi Zaltzman, “that without the hard work invested by these dedicated people we would not have the active, inviting and vibrant community we are blessed with today.”