July 2011 News

Women’s Gatherings

As is the case every month, the JRCC branches hosted entertaining and informative gatherings for women in their respective neighborhoods. The JRCC S Richmond Hill hosted an empowering evening for its monthly Women’s Circle event. The focus was on the power and significance of every individual, and how we can all make a difference. A yoga session with popular local yoga teacher Kineret, and a healthy salad bar, cemented the evening as a true mind, body and soul experience.

At the JRCC @ Rockford gathering, participants were treated to a fascinating talk and video presentation on the life and teachings of the Rebbe. They also learned about the beauty and significance of Shabbat candle lighting, and prepared candle-lighting kits to distribute in order to share the warmth and joy of Shabbat with their friends and neighbors.

Summer Fun

Even with all the warm weather, long weekends, and outdoor activities, summer wouldn’t be the same without a few good barbecues. Last month the JRCC S Richmond Hill and the JRCC Each Thornhill each held community barbecues. Participants enjoyed a variety of activities, tast food, children’s programs, and, most importantly, great company and the opportunity to meet new friends.

Bat Mitzvah Club Graduation

Participants of the Bat Mitzvah Clubs of JRCC @ Rockford and JRCC Thornhill Woods celebrated their graduation together in a joint ceremony attended by their families and friends. The girls spent the last year learning and discovering what becoming a Bat Mitzvah is all about, making friends, and developing a sense of pride in being a Jewish woman. For the graduation ceremony, each girl prepared a short speech, heard blessings from their teachers and community leaders, enjoyed a wonderful festive meal and atmosphere, and received special gifts. The evening culminated with a beautiful and touching candle lighting ceremony. Registration is now open for September 2011.  

Youth Lounge Grand Opening

The JRCC @ Rockford celebrating the grand opening of its newly renovated Youth Lounge on Fisherville Rd. in North York. A large contingent of youth participants attended, as well as many community members who came to celebrate and show their support. The evening featured a barbecue dinner and entertainment for the children and youth, and a special prayer service to inaugurate the new center and commemorate the 7th yahrzeit of Eliyahu ben Abbo, in whose memory all JRCC @ Rockford youth programs are sponsored.

High Holiday Tickets

High Holiday tickets are now available at the JRCC office. Rosh Hashana (Sept 28-30) and Yom Kippur (Oct 7-8) services will be held at seven locations in the GTA. Seating is limited, so please reserve your seats as soon as possible by calling 416.222.7105, visiting www.jrcc.org/highholidays, or visiting the JRCC office.