Page of 2 Head Office Head Office JRCC Woodbridge Rabbi Avrohom & Rochel Yusewitz JRCC S Richmond Hill & Maple Rabbi Avrohom & Sarale Zaltzman JRCC`s Thornhill Woods Affiliate Rabbi Chaim & Chani Hildeshaim JRCC Concord Rabbi Levi & Brocha Mishulovin JRCC East Thornhill Rabbi Mendel & Chanie Zaltzman JRCC West Thornhill Rabbi Levi & Nechama Jacobson JRCC South Thornhill Rabbi Levi & Mushky Blau JRCC Hilda Rabbi Menachem & Sara Wolff JRCC @ Rockford Rabbi Shmuel & Esther Neft JRCC of Willowdale and the CIty Rabbi Yisroel & Sheina Zaltzman Sattelite Locations JRCC Sattelite locations in South Toronto Page of 2