JRCC Bar Mitzvah Club Online Registration
Registration is open!
Please fill out the form below carefully. When you press submit, this form (secure form) will be sent to our administration office.
JRCC's Bar Mitzva club's provide a high standard of education and Curriculum taught by experienced teachers and instructors, and so the costs are in accordance.
Our Tuition is reduced, to $1250 for the entire year +100$ registration fee.
Tuition can be spread out to up to five Payments.
There are a limited amount of Scholarships Available (pending financial situation). Please contact [email protected] at 416.222.7105 x 254. She will be happy to help and see how we can assist with the financial burden. Of course, you are welcome to discuss this matter with your local JRCC Rabbi and/or BMC leader as well
For help filling out the form please reach out:
416.222.7105 x 268 | [email protected]
Student Information |
First Name
Last Name
Hebrew Name
Street Address
Postal Code
Home Phone
Hebrew School
Jewish Birthday
Bar Mitzvah Parsha
Date of Aliya and Reading from the Torah
Where will the Aliya take place? |
Tefillin |
Where will you purchase Tefillin for your son?
If purchasing through the JRCC, how much are you willing to spend (starts at $390, Cheapest proper Kosher tefilin to be found).
Parent Information |
Mother's Name
Father's Name
Hebrew Name
Hebrew Name
Mother's Work
Father's Work
Mother's Cell
Father's Cell
Mother Jewish
Father Jewish
Mother's Mother's Name
Father's Mother's Name
Mother's Father's Name |
Father's Father's Name |
Who from the Mother's Parents are Jewish? |
Where did you hear about us?
Location, Payment & Fees: |
Start date for your son at BMC:
Fees |
$750 Club tuition ($75 a month, for 10 months) + $100 registration fee. This includes a book fee for the Bar Mitzva Discovery Course.
I will be paying by: Credit Card Check
I would like to pay: One Payment |
Card Type
BMC Location |
Please click here to check out the dates, times and exact location of our 9 BMC locations. |
Card Number |
Expiration Date
Important |
I hereby register my child in the JRCC Bar Mitzvah Club.
Please check the dates and calendar of the location you chose by clicking here.
I give my child permission to participate in all club activities and trips.
The student, as well as his parents or guardians, agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the club.
Photos may be taken and used for future advertising.
I understand that the JRCC does not assume responsibility for any injury (Including any harm or affect related to Covid-19), and in case of emergency necessary medical attention may be secured by the local JRCC BMC instructor.
I confirm that all the details provided above are accurate, to the best of my knowledge, and if it becomes apparent that some of the provided information is inaccurate, it may be grounds to dismiss my child from the Bar Mitzvah Club
We might recommend that prior to the Bar Mitzvah your son have one or more private lesson. In that case, we will recommend a teacher and it will be your responsibility to pay the teacher.
Parent's Signature: