Hundreds of people of all ages participated in dozens of events and celebrations during the week-long Sukkot festival, referred to in Judaism as "the time of our rejoicing.” JRCC Branches hosted several events, parties for children, as well as special events for adults. The family Sukkot parties featured music, prizes, children’s entertainment, and holiday-themed crafts and activities that made the holiday spirit palpable – including, of course, eating in the Sukkah and shaking the lulav and etrog. In addition to the family parties, JRCC branches also hosted evenings specifically for adults to focus on their own spiritual growth and social activities, and to experience the joy of Sukkot and “Simchat Beit HaShoeva” in their own way.
Some of the highlights included Sukkah Art Festivals for kids hosted by JRCC S Richmond Hill & Maple, Concord, West Thornhill and East Thornhill, kosher ice cream Sukkah on Wheels - event for kids by JRCC Woodbridge, and Pizza in the Hut pizza party at JRCC at Rockford. Several branches also hosted evening programs for adults, including L’Chaim Under the Stars by JRCC Woodbridge, Garden Sukkah Social by JRCC at Rockford, and a SukkahMobile Hop organized by JRCC Willowdale.
Special events were also held for teens and seniors. In all, it is estimated that over 1,500 people participated in dozens of JRCC Sukkot events, with even more coming out to dance together in the culminating festival of Simchat Torah at all JRCC branches.
Thanks to the generosity of several donors, the JRCC has a limited supply of free masks available for all Jewish Russian families. Each package contains 10 masks per family. They can be picked up at the JRCC office at 5897 Bathurst Street #3, anytime during office hours.
The JRCC published a weekly “Chitas” study guide with Russian translation that is available by subscription. What is Chitas? Chitas is a Hebrew acronym formed by the the initials of Chumash (the Five Books of Moses), Tehillim (the poetic/prophetic/prayerful book of Psalms written/compiled by King David), and Tanya, the “bible” of Chabad Chassidic thought authored by the first Rebbe of the Chabad movement, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. (The Rebbe later added the study of Rambam/Maimonides to the daily study regimen). Chitas refers to the daily study cycle of these texts, in which the Chumash and Tanya are completed each year, and the Tehillim are completed each month. Chitas is a daily journey through amazing and applicable teachings and prayers, messages that give life more of a sense of flow. The weekly study booklet is available for a modest fee, and is delivered either to your local JRCC branch or to your home at the beginning of each month. To learn more or to subscribe, call 416.222.7105, visit or email [email protected].