Kids Cooking Up a Storm


JRCC East Thornhill  invited children ages three to eight to come with their parents to bake and do crafts together at York Hill Public School . The Kiddie Chefs program focuses on Jewish baking, baking traditional challahs or treats, and enjoying a fun Jewish-themed craft. It's hands-on learning at its best, and its tastiest!

New Season of Classes Begins

The JRCC’s Institute of Jewish Studies (IJS)launched its fall-winter semester to much acclaim.Several new courses at the JRCC delighted andinspired participants of all backgrounds. TheIJS produces engaging courses, lectures, andongoing classes that are relevant to people inour community and contribute to their senseof purpose and fulfillment in life. For up-to-dateinformation, visit

Can You See the Light?

Chanukah is coming soon, and preparations are under way for over thirty JRCC events that will attract thousands of participants. In addition to community Chanukah parties and gatherings at JRCC Branches and schools, two major community-wide events are the highlights of Chanukah: The Grand Public Menorah Lighting at Mel Lastman Square, featuring live music and dignitaries, several of whom have already confirmed their attendance, and the annual Chanukah Wonderland Family Carnival, loved by kids of all ages for its Chanukah-themed games, carnival rides, and performances. See you there.