January 2014 News


One Shabbat One World

Shabbaton RH (2).jpgAs part of the annual international “One Shabbat, One World” event, the JRCC branches, along with 1,000 communities across the globe, hosted Friday night Community Dinners at seven locations on January 10. The events were part of the worldwide initiative to celebrate one Shabbat to unite the world, to bring the long awaited redemption for all mankind. In all, over 350 people attended the engaging events to enjoy hot food, a warm atmosphere and fascinating discussions about the Messianic era and its significance in Jewish life. The festivities also coincide with the anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, the predecessor of the Rebbe, the 10th of Shvat, as well as the day the Rebbe formally accepted the mantle of leadership one year later. More than any other Jewish leaders in history, they emphasized that attaining the coming of Moshiach is within reach and dependent on the efforts of every individual man, woman and child.


Tu Bishvat Parties
The JRCC community celebrated the New Year for Trees with a series of programs and events exploring the meaning of nature and food, and their spiritual significance in our lives.
The JRCC @ Rockford held a tasting and learning session called “The Kabbala of Fruit,” in which participants enjoyed the sweet fruits of the Land of Israel, but also learned that there’s much more to fruit than just eating.

The JRCC West Thornhill’s Rosh Chodesh Society for Women hosted a Tu B’Shvat evening called “Seven Fruits - Seven Dimensions of Your Soul,” which delved into a Kabbalistic teaching that demonstrates how the seven fruits of the Land of Israel correspond to seven aspects of the psychological and spiritual makeup of the individual.

The JRCC East Thornhill hosted a unique program where participants enjoyed a selection of tropical fruits and a chocolate fountain, while exploring the spiritual significance of food based on Chassidic teachings.

The JRCC S Richmond Hill & Maple organized and evening of inspiration and fun, with fruit platters and lively discussion.


Kiddie Chefs, Tu B’Shvat Edition

In preparation for Tu B’Shvat, Children ages three to eight were invited to come with their parents to prepare fruity treats and do holiday-themed crafts together at the JRCC S Richmond Hill & Maple and the JRCC East Thornhill. The Kiddie Chefs program focuses on Jewish baking, baking traditional challahs or treats, and enjoying a fun Jewish-themed craft. It’s hands-on learning at its best, and its tastiest!


Bread & Prayers

According to Jewish tradition, when a group of forty women gather together to prepare Challah for Shabbat, the gates of Heaven open up unconditionally to receive their prayers. With an ill community member in need, the women of the JRCC East Thornhill community gathered together, baked their Challah, shared their love and friendship, and prayed for the speedy recovery of Sara bat Tova. Please add your prayers to theirs.